It is a mixture of essential oils which creates an active olfactory barrier against reptiles. It has been studied on purpose to naturally prevent for a long time the presence of vipers, snakes, geckos etc. The product is harmless to people, animals and plants if used properly and does not contain propellants, respecting the environment.
Apply near houses, terraces, balconies, bushes, cellars, garages, fences, sidewalks, etc. Sprinkle uniformly from a distance of 30-40 cm to create a barrier around the area to protect, whenever there are reptiles or you want to prevent their reappearance. Repeat treatment every 8-10 days or after rain or irrigation on the areas to protect.
Orvital S.p.A. |
C.F. e numero iscrizione R.I. MI00745000158
Numero R.E.A. MI - 815166 |
Capitale sociale € 5.000.000,00 i.v. |
Codice Mecc. MI003745 |
Registro A.E.E. n° IT 070000007263 |
Registro pile/accumulatori n° IT 11070P00002617