product specifically studied to satisfy the feeding needs of flowering plants. The well-balanced presence of the ingredients along with the micronutrients ensures a correct fertilization. It aids and stimulates the bloom improving also the brilliance of the colours.
the content of one cap (20 g) in 2 litres water every 10 days in spring-summer, every 20-30 days in autumn-winter.
Orvital S.p.A. |
C.F. e numero iscrizione R.I. MI00745000158
Numero R.E.A. MI - 815166 |
Capitale sociale € 5.000.000,00 i.v. |
Codice Mecc. MI003745 |
Registro A.E.E. n° IT 070000007263 |
Registro pile/accumulatori n° IT 11070P00002617