all-purpose fertilizer with a high content of all nutrients essential for the soil fertility and to ensure the correct development of all plants throughout the entire growing season. For vegetables, fruit-bearing plants, ornamental and flowering plants, flowerbeds, trees, hedges, bushes, lawns and potted plants.
scatter uniformly on the soil or bury, then water. One handful is about 50 g.
Orvital S.p.A. |
C.F. e numero iscrizione R.I. MI00745000158
Numero R.E.A. MI - 815166 |
Capitale sociale € 5.000.000,00 i.v. |
Codice Mecc. MI003745 |
Registro A.E.E. n° IT 070000007263 |
Registro pile/accumulatori n° IT 11070P00002617