the balanced contribution of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ensures a correct and abundant growth of the fruits, avoiding delays in the production. The high content of organic carbon aids the soil fertility and the activity of useful microorganisms
scatter uniformly on the soil, then water. One handful is about 40-50 g. Kitchen gardens and flowerbeds: at the time of the soil preparation or a few days before sowing or transplanting the crop add to the soil 100-150 g/m2 (2-3 handfuls) and repeat the treatment after about 3-4 months. Trees and fruit-bearing plants: scatter uniformly on the surface under the foliage 130-200 g/m2 (3-4 handfuls) according to the kind of the crop. Repeat the treatment after about 3-4 months
Orvital S.p.A. |
C.F. e numero iscrizione R.I. MI00745000158
Numero R.E.A. MI - 815166 |
Capitale sociale € 5.000.000,00 i.v. |
Codice Mecc. MI003745 |
Registro A.E.E. n° IT 070000007263 |
Registro pile/accumulatori n° IT 11070P00002617