product specifically studied to satisfy in the best possible way the feeding needs of acidophil plants like azalea, camellia, gardenia, hydrangea and rhododendron. It helps keeping the equilibrium between vegetation and bloom through the action of various ingredients which are present in a well-balanced way.
the content of one cap (20 g) in 2 litres water every 10 days in spring-summer, every 20-30 days in autumn-winter.
Orvital S.p.A. |
C.F. e numero iscrizione R.I. MI00745000158
Numero R.E.A. MI - 815166 |
Capitale sociale € 5.000.000,00 i.v. |
Codice Mecc. MI003745 |
Registro A.E.E. n° IT 070000007263 |
Registro pile/accumulatori n° IT 11070P00002617